Slingerland Artist

Slingerland Artist
Product Code: DSN131
Availability: Recently Sold

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Here is a perfect, completely original, Slingerland Artist model snare drum with a solid mahogany shell. Aside from the top and bottom heads, everything on this drum is completely original including the tone flange under the top head. The nickel plated hardware has never been cleaned so it has a beautiful "as found" patina. The solid mahogany shell is also in excellent condition. It has a few small surface imperfections but it retains its original shiny finish. Thr throw-off is complete with its original Slingerland logo extension arm and the butt plate is also in perfecgt working order. These drums make beautiful display drums. This one could have its nickel hardware poished up for extra sparkle or could be left with its natural patina. Either way, this will make a great addition to any early 20th century snare drum collection.